18.11.2018 – Sonderkonzert MaLa-TiGa

Sonderkonzert von MaLa-TiGa
am Sonntag, den 18. November 2018

von 15-18 Uhr
Eintritt frei

Mala-Tiga…is a semi-acoustic band from the Netherlands of experienced musicians who have earned their spurs already a long time ago.

MaLa-TiGa plays Soul..Bluess..popsongs with their own twist. The energetic performance of Mata their frontman and his Soulfull Voice together with the talent of the 3 other excellent musians takes every gig they play to the Max.

Smooth love songs..jazzy numbers…
Blues ballads…..Rock with an acoustic flavour…everything and anything Mala-Tiga plays will take you up on the dancefloor and right through the roof!!!!!!

4 guys sharing their passion 4 music

And now they will come to share it with You at…….Salva’s gig
Sunday afternoon18-11-2018 in Die Röhre
15.00 hrs – 18.00 hrs.


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